Hand placing money in tip jar

Tip Pooling: What Service Employees Need to Know

All service industry employees who earn tips should know they have rights to a fair and minimum wage. In St. Louis and throughout Missouri, employers are permitted to implement a process called tip pooling which can affect your paycheck. Unfortunately, employees are sometimes paid improperly. The good news is that there are very specific rules…

Legal Options When You Suffer Financial Losses Due to Your Broker’s Actions: Failing to Diversify Investments

You’ve likely heard it a dozen times – diversify your portfolio for maximum gains and protection against major market fluctuations. But what does that really mean? Diversity in your financial portfolio refers to spreading your investments throughout multiple assets so that your exposure to any one type is limited and minimized. This process is designed…

What to Expect in a FINRA Arbitration Process

Many individuals who invested in the stock market in 2019 experienced unparalleled success and high growth in their portfolio. In fact, the S&P 500 was up 28.9% for 2019. There were some people, however, who were not so fortunate. Instead of reaping the benefits of the booming market, some sustained losses as a result of…

Can You Sue For Bad Investment Advice?

We are living in a fascinating time where the stock market is exploding. In 2019, the growth of the market was significant: the Dow 30 jumped 22.3% the S&P 500 gained 28.9%  and NASDAQ rose 35.2%. In this booming market, working with financial advisors and brokers is the traditional method for taking part in the…